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来源:http://www.jngongrun.com/ 日期:2023-12-28 发布人:

一 直线模组运用注意事项

Precautions for using linear modules


It is strictly prohibited to touch the sliding seat directly during module work, and it is necessary to stay within a safe working range for a long time.


When using the ball screw module product straight, that is, when using on the Z-axis, it is recommended that the motor be equipped with a braking device to prevent objects from falling off; Gear belt drive is not recommended for straight use.

当直线模组的有用行程过大(比如大于750mm )时可能会发生共振,行程越大时大速度应该相对的降低。

When the useful stroke of the linear module is too large (such as greater than 750mm), resonance may occur, and the larger the stroke, the relatively lower the speed.


Maintenance of the two ball screw module



Standard ball screw module maintenance


When maintaining the standard linear module and adding smooth grease, the upper cover plate needs to be removed first and the grease nozzle needs to be connected to inject appropriate grease


Due to internal space constraints, the standard linear sliding table often experiences smooth and uneven lubrication during maintenance


ball screw

全封闭型滚珠丝杆模组保养时直接由滑动座两侧油嘴注入油脂即可,不需拆装任何零组件,装置方便 ,运用简略;滚珠丝杆直线模组

When maintaining the fully enclosed ball screw module, grease can be directly injected into the oil nozzles on both sides of the sliding seat, without the need to disassemble any components, making the device convenient and easy to use; Ball screw linear module


For more maintenance methods for screw modules, please pay attention to this website and continue to provide you with a guide for using linear modules.


Smooth method for ball screw module

运用线性模块滑台时光滑是非常必要的,假如没有充分的光滑,工作时摩擦阻力会添加近而可能会成为缩短产品寿数的主要原因,而光滑方法大致分为手动光滑与主动强制光滑两种,可依照系统的运转速度’运用环境等 需求做恰当的选择

It is necessary to use linear module sliding table for time sliding. If there is not sufficient smoothness, friction resistance will increase during operation and may become the main reason for shortening product life. Smooth methods can be roughly divided into manual smoothing and active forced smoothing, and appropriate choices can be made according to the system's operating speed, application environment, and other requirements

光滑给油的频率依据运用条件与环境而有所不同, -般景象主张每运转100km弥补油脂一-次

The frequency of smooth oil supply varies depending on the application conditions and environment. Generally, it is recommended to compensate for oil and grease once every 100km of operation
