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来源:http://www.jngongrun.com/ 日期:2024-07-19 发布人:


  The screw guide rail is the core component of high-precision linear transmission systems, widely used downstream, and has a low localization rate. This report analyzes the main reasons for the low localization rate in the screw guide industry; Under the trend of humanoid robots and new energy vehicles, domestic screw guides are expected to enter a stage of rapid development; In the long run, in the high-end field represented by machine tools, with the improvement of the competitiveness of complete machine manufacturers and the increase of policy guidance and support, it is an inevitable trend for screw guides to achieve independent controllability. Therefore, we believe that domestic screw guides are facing an important opportunity for industrialization and give the industry a "recommended" rating.20181206042250134


  The screw guide is the core component of high-precision linear transmission. 1) The main function of a screw is to position and convert rotational motion into linear motion, driving the movement of the guide rail. Screw can be divided into trapezoidal screw, ball screw, and planetary roller screw according to their structure. Among them, ball screw is currently the mainstream screw product due to its high transmission efficiency and long service life; The processing difficulty of planetary roller screw is high, and its industrial application is limited. It is mainly used in scenarios with high requirements for bearing capacity and volume. 2) The function of the guide rail is to support the moving components and make them move in the specified direction. According to their structure, guide rails can be divided into sliding guide rails, rolling guide rails, and hydrostatic guide rails. Sliding guide rails are suitable for low precision heavy cutting, while rolling guide rails are suitable for high-precision, high-speed light machining; The structure of liquid hydrostatic guide rail is complex, the manufacturing cost is high, and its practical application is limited.

  丝杠导轨全球市场空间达千亿,国内超300亿,机床是主要的下游。根据Value Market Research数据,2019年全球滚动部件的市场规模为195.48亿美元(折合人民币约1300亿元)。根据金属加工杂志社,2022年我国滚动功能部件市场空间约为330亿元。下游应用包括数控机床、半导体制造装置、医疗器械、工业机器人、自动化设备、3C设备、汽车等,其中机床是主要的应用领域。

  The global market space for screw and guide rails is billions, with over 30 billion in China, and machine tools are the most important downstream. According to Value Market Research data, the global market size for rolling parts in 2019 was $19.548 billion (approximately RMB 130 billion). According to the Metal Processing Magazine, the market space for rolling functional components in China is expected to reach approximately 33 billion yuan in 2022. Downstream applications include CNC machine tools, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical devices, industrial robots, automation equipment, 3C equipment, automobiles, etc. Among them, machine tools are the most important application field.


  The screw guide is an important component of the machine tool transmission system, with high precision requirements, but it accounts for a relatively low value of the entire machine (about 5% -9%). It is estimated that the total demand for machine tool screw guide is about 10 billion yuan. In machine tools, a linear motion system is generally composed of two sets of linear guide pairs and one set of ball screw pairs in one direction. The screw guide directly affects the machining performance of the machine tool, so high precision is required. The screw is generally above P5 level, and the guide is generally above P level. The total cost of screw guides (excluding other transmission components) accounts for 5% -9% of the total cost of machine tools. Based on the market space of machine tools, we estimate that the demand for related screw guides is about 10 billion yuan.


  Foreign investment dominates the market, with a low localization rate. European and American enterprises have a first mover advantage, as well as industrial advantages such as bearings, hydraulic components, and high-precision grinding machines. They are technologically advanced and belong to the first tier. Since the 1980s, Japanese companies such as THK, NSK, and IKO have grown alongside Japan's machine tool, semiconductor, and automotive manufacturing industries, becoming major manufacturers and belonging to the second tier. In the late 1990s, HIWIN, ABBA, PMI companies in Taiwan, China, China, and SBC in South Korea also emerged. As latecomers, their products broke through the price performance ratio, seized the development opportunity of Made in China, and enjoyed a high market share in the Chinese market, belonging to the third echelon. There are relatively few screw and guide rail enterprises in mainland China, mainly state-owned enterprises, with a short accumulation time and a small individual enterprise size.


  The gap between China's screw guide and imported products mainly lies in the accuracy retention, stability and consistency of mass production. Accuracy retention refers to the time it takes to maintain the initial accuracy. Even if the precision of domestic screw guides can reach P3 level or above at the factory, it is difficult to maintain this high precision throughout the entire life cycle of the machine tool. The consistency and stability of mass production refer to the proportion of products that can meet the standard requirements for producing a batch of lead screws. Although domestic products can achieve high-precision products of P0~P2 levels, the consistency and stability are poor, resulting in the inability to supply on a large scale.


  Behind the backwardness of domestic products compared to imports is the gap in every link of the entire industry chain, including design, raw materials, manufacturing equipment, processing technology, testing methods, quality control, etc. We believe that the main reasons for the lack of localization of screw guides over the years are as follows: 1. The technological barriers to high-precision products have not been overcome: ① There is a lack of high-quality raw materials domestically; ② Imported thread grinders are expensive, with lead times of over six months and high investment barriers; ③ The process is complex and involves multiple steps, including multiple grinding, heat treatment, and testing. There is a lack of experienced workers in China who can use high-end grinding machines. 2. Lack of motivation for industrialization: ① In the past, the main application area of screw guides was in machine tools. For machine tools, screw guides were highly important but had a relatively low value, so machine tool manufacturers did not have the motivation to try domestic products; ② In the past, the strength of domestic machine tool manufacturers was not strong, and imported parts could play a role in ensuring quality.


  Humanoid robots and new energy vehicles are expected to accelerate the localization of screw guides. 1. On the demand side: ① The market space brought by new industry opportunities is vast, and the single vehicle value of lead screws in new energy vehicles is three times higher than that of fuel vehicles. Millions of humanoid robots bring a demand for lead screws in the billions level; ② The precision requirements for lead screws in vehicles are low, and the cost requirements are high. They are more willing to use domestically produced screws to reduce costs The reverse planetary roller screw required for humanoid robots is currently only mass-produced by European companies (neither Japanese nor Taiwanese have related products). European companies are more conservative when facing new trends and directions, and will not expand production on a large scale to reduce costs. Once domestic products achieve product breakthroughs, they are more likely to become mainstream suppliers The strength of machine tool manufacturers continues to strengthen, and the recognition of domestic end customers for domestically produced machine tools has significantly increased. Policies continue to promote the localization of core components of machine tools. 2. On the supply side: Many domestic enterprises have emerged to invest in the screw and guide rail industry, actively embracing new industry trends. Among them, there are high-end, financially strong enterprises, as well as mid to low-end (automotive) enterprises with mass production capabilities, which have changed the competitive landscape dominated by state-owned enterprises in the past.

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