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来源:http://www.jngongrun.com/ 日期:2023-07-20 发布人:

The alignment of the two shafts connected by the coupling, also known as alignment. The accurate alignment of the shaft can ensure the smooth operation of the entire transmission system, without generating abnormal vibration, noise, and wear, as well as abnormal additional loads. This is of great significance for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the system, especially for high-speed rotating shaft systems. The manufacturer of the guide rail screw will explain more to you below:
In fact, there are inevitable errors in the installation of any shaft system. Generally, the installation deviation of two connecting shafts can be summarized into four situations, namely, there are radial and angular deviations in ideal alignment, as well as radial and angular load deviations.
During actual installation, the radial and angular deviations of the two shafts should be as small as possible. This is mainly due to the inevitable existence of various situations during equipment operation, such as foundation sinking, uneven thermal expansion of various components, shaft bending, and wear of components, which can have adverse effects on the alignment of the shaft system.
Therefore, during installation, control the radial and angular installation deviations, which can generally be controlled within 1/8-1/3 of the allowable deviation. This will leave some compensation space for new deviations during operation, ensuring that the two shafts can still be aligned well and operate safely during operation.
For some high-speed rotating shaft systems or shaft systems with large heat generation and significant differences in thermal expansion on both sides, if zero deviation alignment is used during cold installation, there will be significant misalignment between the two shafts during actual operation.
Therefore, in this case, the difference in thermal expansion between the two ends during operation should generally be measured or calculated in advance, and this difference should be reserved during cold adjustment to ensure normal alignment during hot operation and ensure the safety of the shaft system during hot operation.
There are various methods for aligning two shafts, and different methods can be used according to the working speed of the shaft system and the type of coupling.
① Use a ruler to measure the coaxiality error of the coupling, and use a plug gauge to measure the parallelism error of the coupling. This method is simple, but has a large error. Generally used for machines with low speed and low accuracy requirements.
② Use a dial gauge to align the line. There are many methods for using a dial indicator for alignment and alignment, such as single table method, double table method, three table method, etc. This article introduces a dual meter method that is easy to operate, convenient for reading, data processing, and adjustment, and also has good centering effect. For more related matters, come to our website http://www.jngongrun.com consulting service
